Now, I know this is quite 'basi' for me to post oredi, but what the heck - better than not updating at all. Gawai this year being celebrated at my wife's resident, along with her family. Not my first time though, but considered as first time being part of the family members (past few years' celebration - I wasn't married yet, hehehe). As usual, all those VIPs coming - and it was quite a tiring event also, help serving all the visitors - but nevertheless Gawai this year is a very happening one due to overwhelming attendance from the relatives and friends.
Gawai 2009 cake cutting session with the VIPs

And photo taking session after that - I was the only one wearing short
pants that time, huhuhu :P

And of course, it's not without those 'yamseng' by the VIPs, wishing a prosperous Gawai to all of us. I was the one taking the pic, so I think my wedding pic on the top wall is suffice to put me along "posing" in the photo, hehehe~
But somehow my pic doesn't emerged in the next day's Borneo Post, only my hair is visible. So, didn't cut the article's photo though.
Last but not least, these guys made my day - Gawai wouldn't be enough fun without you guys coming, thanks guys!

Julian, Keegan and Alom - craps session lead by me