This afternoon took my wife's ride for some make-ups....the car accessories shop's name is Tiong Brothers - pretty much the only car accessories shop that I can fully trust in Bintulu. Lots of aftermarket engine modification stuff, not to mention genuine Lightning Audio, Rockford Fosgate and Alpine stuff and the most important criteria that I'm fond of - friendly shop owner and neat installation. I mean, their worker knows what they are doing - though the price to me is normal (well, you get what you pay for) but maybe some people might find it steep....and owh - they even have genuine 3M tint installation - costs a bomb by the way - the premium one costs around Rm3K.

View from the side.....

And change the plate number punya font.....

Isn't she gorgeous? Next plan: will change her shoes, but maybe will take a while la - since anytime soon I'm expecting something big coming, to change my "2nd wife"......
This is my current "2nd wife"...just never fails me all this while....she still shines like no tomorrow and damn those shoes just looks nice on her!
But you know...something has got to go....things and time does change - and so our financial situation, be it better or worse....for me, it's getting much better for me, so - it's really time for me to have something better to be my 2nd wife....I'm gonna miss this one.....
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