Done something to my rims - Well, not really what was in my mind at that time but I think it suits the looks of my ride currently.....these rims wasn't actually what I had in mind but due to budget constraint at that time, I was forced to buy this rims.....bought at Big Wheel, it's quite a steal for me actually - RM3700 came with Yokohama A-Drive tyres - I don't think I could find any other offer better. In case you're wondering, it's just a Singapore brand rims, SSW.....
Well after few weeks meddling with the rims I finally decided to change the looks of my rims dramatically - frankly I think the rims need to be "pimped" :P
simply amazing, one could never tell whether my rims were originally bought like it is now..... case you're wondering, this should be the rims that I would've bought - Was quoted RM6500 for the rims alone, with 18" in size - that's excluding postage/courier
fees from West M'sia.....

Not cost effective, you think? Well, think again dude - these rims although
18" in size, is much lighter than Taiwan made rims that you've typically seen - I dare say
it's even lighter than 16" rims with the tyre on! The brand is from SSR (Speed Star Racing)
and the model is Professor SP1.
And just for your info, I called this SSR - Sangat Sangat Ringan - These company
have the comparable reputation with Volk/Rays for producing forged and light sport rims.
2 Perspective(s):
bro.. shud paint the whole car pearl white....
Nice car there..hehe..
well, before i got my hand on this, got lot of comments asking me to get the white color....but unfortunately most of the white color have been sold, and have to wait few months to arrive from Japan....but then what the heck? silver doesn't resemble so much dirtiness when the road is wet/dirty :P - so i guess it's ok lor.....thanks for the comment bro - how's life? your morris apa crita? :)
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